Emilia’s Kids started out in 1997 as World C.O.L.O.R.S., a small private practice serving primarily children on the autistic spectrum. In 2000, Emilia’s Kids moved to a new location and adopted its new name. We have been expanding and evolving ever since. Emilia’s Kids provides evaluations and services to young children (ages 0 – 3) and their families through the early intervention program in Queens, Staten Island, Brooklyn, Manhattan and the Bronx. This program is administered through the Department of Health in each family (county) and is provided at no cost to the parents.


Emilia’s Kids is approved by New York State and has contracts with New York City to provide early intervention services.

Emilia’s Kids prides itself on offering many of the innovative treatments available. We are always striving to keep up to date with new technology and new research. As an agency our focus has been on sharing new technology with our whole staff, parents and related professionals and agencies. Our therapists are trained in therapy programs such as oral motor protocols, sensory integration, feeding, PROMPT, Applied Behavior Analysis/Verbal Behavior, PECS, Listening Therapy, Augmentative Communication Systems, Sign Language, Myofascial Release, Pilates Core Training, Lindamood Bell Learning Processes, DIR Floortime, Dysfluency Therapy, Dyspraxia Therapy and Links to Language. Emilia’s Kids also has a parent-training program that deals with such issues, such as toilet training, feeding development and sleeping disorders.


The core of our philosophy has always been “Disability second, Child first.” We have been working with children for over 17 years, providing them with exceptional therapy in a triad framework of therapist, family and child. We have supported many families throughout their various transitions through their child’s educational journey. Our staff of speech therapists, occupational therapists and physical therapists readily interface with social workers, psychologists, service coordinators, special educators, and many other professions in the best interests of each family and the child’s development.

The Early Intervention Program (EIP) is a public program funded by New York State and county governments for children under the age of three who are either suspected of having or at risk for developmental delays or disabilities. Potentially eligible children must be referred to the county program to receive EIP services.

New York City 311

Someone else can help you make the referral to the Early Intervention Program if you wish. If your child is found to be eligible for services by someone approved to perform this evaluation, you, county staff, and other team members will make a plan to help your child – and your family.

Early intervention services in your plan and authorized by the county are provided at no cost to you. The county will arrange for the services to be provided and will choose the provider based on the needs of your child and family. Your child’s health insurance may be used to cover some of the costs. All other costs for EIP services are paid for by your county and New York State.

Early intervention services are provided where it’s best for the child – in places such as your home, day care, or other community settings. The EIP covers the cost of early intervention services only. The EIP does not pay for day care or other fees charged by community settings.

Emilia’s Kids is approved by New York State and has contracts with New York City to provide early intervention services.